During periods of chronic high stress, the body stays in high gear. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol flooding through the body creates wear and tear on the body and mind. Over time, unmanaged stress can create a multitude of health problems such as chronic pain, anxiety, mood swings, gut inflammation and so many more.
The good news is that our bodies contain their own superpower that can assist with decreasing our fight or flight response.
The vagus nerve system acts to counterbalance the fight or flight system and can trigger a relaxation response in our body. It is one of the cranial nerves that connect the brain to the body. The vagus nerve is a major part of how our bodies and brains function. Without it, our bodies wouldn’t be able to do basic tasks, and by stimulating it we can receive powerful health benefits.
Friday November 18th – TOPIC: “The Power of the Vagus Nerve!”

About the Speaker: Sharik L Peck, PT, MRC. Sharik comes to the brain health and healing world from a 28-year background in physical therapy, a Master’s degree in Counseling, and a passion for brain and neurologic retraining. His passion was born through his experiences learning how to function again after multiple injuries including fractures of the thoracic and cervical spine and a vertebral dissection (he suffered a stroke) at the age of 17. Sharik is the CEO of Rezzimax LLC and the inventor of the Rezzimax tools and techniques for pain relief and brain entrainment therapies.
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END of YEAR 30% Off for White Dove Members:
2022 Holiday special 30% off Rezzimax Pain Tuner Pro II kit using the code: WhiteDove through the end of 2022
Here is the Holiday discount link and it is now active: https://rezzimax.com/discount/WhiteDove