The HTC Coach course is presented as a 60 hour audio and book learning series. The course is a fascinating basic revelation of modern, complex homeopathy with classical singular homeopathy as a jumping off point into the quantum world of the art and practice of homeopathy.

Homeopathy’s 200-year history is reviewed and the specific people and places are revealed in regards to America’s legalization of homeopathy at the turn of the last century.
Also of immense interest is homeopathy’s place in the world today as a safe, effective and inexpensive way of health care for millions of people around the world.
Included too, is a review of over 500 FDA registered homeopathic remedies the eminent Professor Nelson created while in the Denver, Colorado between 1982 and 1992.
A most important part of the course is again, the legality issues! William Cunningham updates Professor Nelson’s lectures to the sincere student through this course towards the objective of Certified Homeo-Therapeutic Coach.
That person can then safely, effectively and legally suggest remedies to clients/patients that are FDA classified as “professional use only” homeopathics.
This feature allows the practitioner a greater probability of success with those under his/her care, and the assurance of compliance with FDA requirements for use.
William Cunningham preserves the eminent Professor Nelson’s stories and adds his own charisma and over 25+ years of homeopathic clinical experience!
Suggestion Guide on how to study the Course:
- ✓ Start by listening to the audio tracks included on the flash drive in your package.
- ✓ As you listen, fill out the corresponding quizzes. Each audio track corresponds with each quiz.
- ✓ Watch the “Remedy Selection Protocol DVD” and follow along using the hardcopy “Flow Chart”.
- ✓ Fill out the “Work Up Sheet” for each client session.
- ✓ Schedule a “Healer Heal Thy-Self” session with Dr. Bill Cunningham to better understand the Protocol and Work Up Sheet as well as enhance your very own wellness!
- ✓ After “Healer” Training with Dr. Bill C., you may FAX your completed Work Up Sheets for help with the Remedy Selection Protocol. No charge for time with Dr. Bill Cunningham.
- ✓ When you are ready to take the test (6 questions in the back of the two text books), use the first 17 pages of the catalogue help support your answers.
- ✓ All “Course Book/s and Catalogue” are supplemental educational materials for further understanding. Read them at your own pace.
- ✓ When you have completed the test, please fax, mail, or email your legible answers to White Dove Healing.
- ✓ Dr. Bill Cunningham will correct the test and return your graded test along with your Certification of Completion for 60 CEU’s, valid for credit with N.T.C.B., I.M.U.N.E., and I.Q.U.I.M. You MUST submit CEU’s to N.T.C.B. for their accreditation, and they will have further steps for you to complete. ABOUT YOUR MENTOR BILL CUNNINGHAM
- Over 25 years using Professor Nelson’s homeopathic remedies found within the EPFX system’s software
- Worked with more than 30,000 clients using Professor Nelson’s homeopathic remedies
- Currently an International Advanced Certified Trainer and International Licensee in Quantum Biofeedback
- Currently a Homeopathic Medical Associate from England
- Ph.D. in Biofeedback and Homeopathy with Professor Nelson
HTC Course
Thank you! We look forward to working with you helping others!
Course Manuals
• Disease Dictionary “Dys-Ease” Program(not included with $500.00 course upgrade)
• White Dove Homeopathy Catalogue (not included with $500.00 course upgrade)
• Homeopathy For Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Naturopaths Text Book
• Homeopathy For Nutritionists Text Books
• The Natural Repertory Text Book
• Quantum Quality Control Text Book
• 1 page Protocol
• Client Work-up Sheets
• Healer Heal-Thyself Letter
• 1 USB Flash Drive with all Course Materials
• 16 Audio tracks (Prof. William Nelson)(1 track is Dr. Peter Bartlett)
• 1 DVD Homeopathic Protocol (William J. Cunningham)
Your FREE Remedy Kit includes: (*items may vary by available stock*)
Not included with Course or Device upgrades.
•2 Ameba Fuge
•2 Bacteria Fuge
• 2 Viral Fuge
•2 Adreno Liquitrophic
•2 G Liquitrophic
•2 Hepato Liquitrophic
•2 Lipid Liquitrophic
•2 Propepsia Liquitrophic
•2 Immunopoie
•2 Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus •1 Weight Loss Formula
White Dove Support Lines
• Main Line: (303) 828-4439
• FAX Toll Free: (866) 819-4038
• Email: